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Monday, October 31, 2011

No More Store to Compare.

Sinigang is a famous recipe especially in the Tagalog area. It can be prepared using shrimp, beef, chicken, pork or fish. For this recipe, we are going to use shrimp because it is my personal favorite. The characteristic taste of sinigang is sour and the flavor is such because of the tamarind. Traditionally, you have to boil the tamarind in water so as to achieve the sour flavor. But with the fast-paced life of Filipino households today, there are several brands of instant tamarind mixes that will make cooking easier and faster. The demand of these sinigang mixes have soared in the last few years because this dish is undeniably delicious and satisfying that most families could never do away with it even for just a week. For this recipe though, we are going to use the traditional method.


  • 1 kilo shrimp
  • 2 pieces radish (regular size, sliced)
  • 1 bundle Kangkong (cut into 2" long)
  • 1 bundle sitaw (string beans)
  • ¼ kilo sampalok (tamarind)
  • 3 pieces long green chilli
  • 3 tomatoes (sliced into quarters)
  • 1 onion (diced)
  • water
  • salt or patis (to taste)


Cooking procedure:

  • To soften the tamarind, place in a small casserole or pan together with water and bring to a boil. Mash and have all the juices extracted.
  • Place the radish, tomatoes, onions, tamarind juice and water in a casserole. Place under medium heat and bring to a boil.
  • Adjust the fire to low and add the shrimps, green long chili, string beans, and kangkong. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes.
  • Use salt or patis for seasoning.
  • You can place the cooked sinigang nga hipon in a palayok (pot) and serve hot.

Filipino Recipes - Sinigang Na Hipon - Pinoy Food

Jasmine is a native Filipino with a passion for cooking and gardening. Her love of Pinoy food has lead her to create a website to share her favorite Filipino recipes with the world.
Come and explore and enjoy a true taste of the Philippines with these authentic Pinoy recipes and stories of the Philippine culture.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

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1. Why are some plants and animals viewed organic?

You have organically grown food if natural ways are utilised to cultivate and process it. Although it is parasitical for persons it is remarkable to the protection of the surroundings.

Organica Biotech

For plants and crops to be organic they must substantially be produced with no artificial additives and fertiliser,synthetic pesticides and any form of biotechnology.If animals are fed with organic feed, not confined to small spaces for long periods and do not take antibiotics, they are then interpreted organic.

Every country uses its own standards to define what food which is organic is.

2. So, is food which is organic wholesome for us anyway?

Plants create additional vitamin and antioxidants to protect themselves when pesticides are absent.Therefore, organic food will present more nutritional value than not organically grown food.

When food which is not organic is taken very tiny amounts of pesticides are ingested by our bodies.When animals are vaccinated utilising antibiotics they develop small amounts of resistance to diseases and may be more costly to rear.

3. Could the surroundings benefit from organic food?

Less toxic waste and synthetic chemicals are released to the environment, producing richer soil and cleaner water in the ground, when organically grown food is grown.Marine life is disturbed and drinking water polluted when pesticides are employed. The net result is the interruption of the important food web if contamination occurs.

It is also acknowledged that organically grown food demands little energy since it solely relies on natural means to produce. Food which is organic demands simple packaging and collection of waste is minimized. Naturally existing plant and animal species are not prone to genetic pollution from genetically altered species if organically grown food is grown only.

It seems there is information that more output per hectare are produced by genetically changed crops when compared to organic crops. Substantially, small amounts of pesticides and fertilizer are wanted for organically grown foods as compared to non-organic, although output tend to be less.

4. Are we able to afford food which is organic?

The high comprehended value of organically grown food makes it more dear than non-organic,because it is inexpensive to produce.The best way to find low-cost organically grown food is to buy from grocery shops which order organically grown foods direct from local farms. Normally, it is the alien foods which are organic which tends to be more expensive, but could be of outstanding quality since the crops may have been produced under the best climatic circumstances.

Due to the standardisation of handling of foods which are organic by organisations in different countries, it is easy to discover organic foods since they will be intelligibly labelled.To make sure that the food is organically cultivated one way is to ensure that you determine a locally based farmer who uses natural ways to cultivate crops or rear animals.At the moment the only way shoppers can verify that imported and labelled organic food is genuine is to find if the store owner is to authentic and dependable.

Why Organically Grown Food is All-Important?

Cindi is a freelance writer and hobby blogger. She has been online writing blog for nearly 3 years. Take a peek at her newest site located at where you can find the lowest green egg prices on the web.

Sale Price : $57.99

Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
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Hugo's Online
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ProMax Commerce
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Sale Price : $6.13

Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours

Monday, October 24, 2011

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Pfantastic ~ Pfinds
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